Hair Transplantation


What is Hair Transplant?

A hair transplant is a procedure to move hair to sparse or bald areas. It is not available on the Medicaturk as it is plastic surgery. A hair transplant is an important decision. Learn as much as you can to know what to expect.

Hair transplants are suitable for people with permanent baldness, which runs in families.

It is generally not suitable for people with other types of hair loss, such as the one that causes bald patches (alopecia areata).

Types of Hair Transplant

There are two main commonly used hair transplant techniques:

FUT (Follicle Unit Implantation) and FUE (Follicle Unit Extraction). Both of these methods are effective in restoring thicker and more natural looking hair.

FUE Hair Transplant

Follicular Unit Extraction, or FUE, is a type of hair transplant procedure that involves first shaving the back of the head. While the patient is under local anesthesia, individual hair follicles are removed from the back of the head and a small incision is made in the scalp.

FUT Hair Transplant

With a follicular unit implant (FUT), a strip of the scalp is removed from the back of the patient’s head and the removed scalp area is closed with stitches. Next, the surgeon separates the scalp band into smaller pieces with a scalpel to isolate the hair follicles.

Before the Operation

Before undergoing a hair transplant, you must inform the hair transplant specialist about your health condition and the medications you take regularly. If you have health problems, be sure to consult your doctor about the surgery and get approval for the hair transplant surgery.

If you have received your doctor’s approval for your health problem, you should stop taking blood thinners such as aspirin, which you take regularly 3 days before your hair transplant surgery.

We recommend that you do not drink alcohol before a hair transplant. We use local anesthetics during the hair transplant procedure. You should limit alcohol intake 1-2 days before, because there is a risk of interactions with these drugs.

We recommend that you stop smoking for a while. Smokers have slower blood flow to the scalp. In addition, the veins can become narrower and this can prevent the growth of the transplanted hair as well as healthy hair growth. For all these reasons, you should not smoke 1-2 days before a hair transplant and 7-10 days after a hair transplant.

After the Operation

Hair wash is one of the most important factors that can influence the final result of a hair transplant, so every patient is taught how to properly wash their hair at the clinicMild pain may be felt for a few days following the hair transplant procedure. Some people report difficulty sleeping in the first few days after surgery.

Following the operation, it is common to experience more pain in the donor area than in the recipient area. Over-the-counter pain relievers can help with the post-op hair transplant plan. At the clinic, you will be given a pack of those.Swelling is uncommon when hair transplantation is performed with the Choi Implanter Pen.

It is more common in larger hair transplant operations and transplants where the hairline has been extensively worked on. Swelling can affect the forehead and the area around the eyes and can last two to five days, with the fourth day being the worst. To alleviate these symptoms, Dexamethasone is administered.

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