
IVF Center

Yeditepe University Hospitals provide healthcare services in all branches without profit-focus in accordance with its mission and vision. The IVF Center, which continues to work in-line with this understanding, continues its activities to produce the right solutions for couples who want to have a baby. All treatment strategies prepared with a personal and couples-specific treatment approach are planned in the light of scientific data and by considering up-to-date approaches.

Yeditepe University Hospitals IVF Center attracts attention with its strong physician staff and a large team of experienced embryologists and biologists with its different approach, especially for difficult cases. The treatment and management of all patients are carried out by the joint decision of this team.

In the embryology laboratory, which has an extremely important place in the treatment of infertility, in addition to the use of advanced technology, current approaches are followed and applied in this regard.

What Is Infertility? How is it Diagnosed?

What Services Are Offered in the IVF Center?

At Yeditepe University Hospitals IVF Center, all modern approaches can be applied in line with the needs of couples with infertility problems. However, some of the services offered in the center are listed as follows.

  • Education of infertile couples
  • Evaluation of infertile couples
  • Sperm analysis
  • Hormone tests
  • Hysterosalpingography (HSG) – Uterine X-ray
  • Ultrasonographic examinations
  • Ovulation tracking
  • Intra Uterine Insemination (IU) I- vaccination
  • In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
  • Micro injection (ICSI, IMSI)
  • Testicular biopsies and microscopic TESE procedures
  • Egg and ovarian tissue freezing and storage
  • Embryo biopsies
  • All genetic studies (PD, PGS, NGS)
  • Hatching of embryos with laser
  • Microchip method
  • Freezing and storage of egg, sperm and ovarian tissue
  • PRP (in appropriate cases)
  • Co-Culture
  • Hysteroxopy (HSK)
  • Laparoscopy and hydrosalpinx treatment
  • Treatment of intrauterine adhesions
  • Recurrent miscarriage treatments
  • Infertility treatment in endometriosis cases
  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) treatments
  • Nutrition and metabolism management
  • Acupuncture and psychological support treatments


What are the Success Rates of the IVF Center?

While the couples are informed, the success rate of in vitro fertilization can be given to patient groups and sometimes according to the age of the patient. The main success rate is the annual and average success rate given without grouping. This rate reflects the pregnancy rate per embryo transfer and is generally around 50 percent today. Pregnancy rates vary significantly depending on the age of the patient, the underlying cause and the presence of a male factor. Information is given to the couples applying about the pregnancy rates per embryo transfer. Our success rate is in line with the standards of all rigorous and serious centers that have made a name in the world.


What Are The Features That Differ The In Vitro Fertilization Center From Other Centers?

Yeditepe University Hospitals provide healthcare services in all branches without profit-focus in accordance with its mission and vision. The IVF Center, which continues to work in-line with this understanding, continues its activities to produce the right solutions for couples who want to have a baby.

All treatment strategies prepared with a personal and couples-specific treatment approach are planned in the light of scientific data and by considering up-to-date approaches.

In the center, where honest and ethical values are always prioritized, services are provided with physicians and embryologists who are known not only in our country but also worldwide.

Yeditepe University Hospitals IVF Center attracts attention with its strong physician staff and a large team of experienced embryologists and biologists with its different approach especially for difficult cases. The treatment and management of all patients are carried out by the joint decision of this team.

In the embryology laboratory, which has an extremely important place in the treatment of infertility, in addition to the use of advanced technology, current approaches are followed and applied in this regard.

In laboratories where there is no room for errors in applications, quality and functioning are constantly monitored.

In the center, where a patient-oriented approach is pursued with the awareness that IVF applications are a serious treatment, all causes of infertility have been carefully investigated and the underlying problem has been determined as the basic principle to start treatment. In this way, patients are protected from unnecessary and excessive treatments, while not wasting time.

In Yeditepe University Hospitals IVF Center, special treatment protocols are applied to patients with advanced age and low ovarian reserve. Patients closely associated with infertility such as Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis, and difficult cases such as recurrent IVF failures are followed with many years of experience.

In the center, which stands by the patients in all processes of infertility treatment and trying to find answers to all kinds of questions in the fastest way, utmost attention is paid to patient rights and privacy of personal data.



Infertility is defined as inability to conceive even though a couple under the age of 35 have regular sexual intercourse without protection for 1 year  (6 months for above 35 years) It is called primary infertility if no pregnancy has occurred before; If at least one pregnancy has occurred regardless of whether it results in live birth or not, it is called secondary infertility.

Nowadays, it is observed that the number of infertile couples increases due to factors such as stressful living conditions, unnatural nutrition and smoking habits.

Although there may be reasons for both men and women among the causes of infertility, sometimes pregnancy cannot be achieved even though there is no significant problem in both. The group of patients called “unexplained infertility” constitutes 10-15 percent of the couples.

For this reason, it is extremely important to determine the underlying cause in couples with infertility problems in order to have a healthy pregnancy and healthy babies at the end. Afterwards, applying the right treatments with the most appropriate personal treatment approach for couples is among the most important factors that increase the success in infertility treatment.


What are Infertility Treatments, What are the Stages and When to Start to IVF?

Causes Female-Related Fertility

    • Advanced Age
    • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
    • Early Menopause
    • Tube Blockage
    • Vaginismus
    • Endometriosis
    • Anti-Müllerian hormone – Low egg reserve


Causes of Male Infertility

Causes of infertility are classified as female, male, female or male, or unexplained causes. While the male factor accompanies the female factor in approximately 35 percent of infertile couples, the only detectable cause is male in approximately 10 percent.

While some of the men with infertility have oligozoospermia, that is, the sperm count in the ejaculate is below the normal range, or azoospermia, that is, the absence of sperm in the ejaculate; In some infertile men, the sperm count is normal. More than 80 percent of infertile men have low sperm concentration, poor quality, less mobility (asthenozoospermia) and/or have more sperm with abnormal morphology compared to normal (teratozoospermia). In a small number of infertile men, despite normal sperm concentrations, the quality may be poor; rarely, sperm count, morphology and movement can be completely normal.

Infertility in men can occur due to reasons such as insufficient sperm production in the testicle, insufficient function of the sperm produced, and obstruction in the pathways that allow sperm to be transported within the body. Chronic diseases and endocrine disorders, genetic problems, congenital problems, infections, trauma, varicocele (presence of dilated veins around the testis) and surgical operations can also lead to infertility.

Infertile men may not have any complaints other than not being able to have children. However, in some men, sexual dysfunction (e.g. erection or ejaculation problems, sexual reluctance) can cause swelling in the testicular area, redness, pain, recurrent respiratory tract infections, smell, abnormal breast development (gynecomastia), thinning of hair or body hair, or findings indicating chromosomal or hormonal problems can be seen. In the evaluation, detailed history and physical examination and semen analysis should be done. In addition, when needed, hormone tests, imaging and genetic tests for accessory glands and ducts are also performed.

How is Sperm Analysis Performed?

Sperm analysis, which is a relatively easy test for evaluating male infertility, is performed after 2-7 days of sexual abstinence. Usually, semen is asked to be taken into a sterile container by masturbation in a special room in the clinic. However, if this is not possible, the sample should be taken at home and delivered to the clinic within 30 minutes. Since there may be variability between samples, it is recommended to perform semen analysis at least twice.

The semen sample is evaluated within the framework of the criteria set by the World Health Organization Laboratory Manual for the Examination and Processing of Human Semen.

Which Methods Are Used In Infertility Treatment?

    • IVF
    • Ovarian Rejuvenation with PRP
    • Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)
    • Microinjection
    • Egg freezing
    • Assisted Hatching
    • Co-Culture
    • Microchip
    • Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis
    • Mitochondria Transfer

IVF Treatment Processes, What Partners Should Do?

Methods that Increase Success in Infertility Treatment

In addition to the scientific approach used in Yeditepe University IVF Center, the following methods are used in order to increase the success of achieving healthy pregnancies and giving birth to healthy babies.

Assisted Hatching

It is defined as the thinning or complete opening of a certain area of ​​the membrane surrounding the embryos (zona pellucida) mechanically, using acid tyrode or with laser. In this way, it is aimed to facilitate the attachment of embryos to the uterine wall.

In order for pregnancy to occur, embryos (fertilized egg) must attach to the inner membrane of the uterus in order to feed and develop. If the membrane surrounding the embryo is too thick, pregnancy cannot occur because the uterine attachment cannot occur. In order to prevent this situation and to facilitate the attachment of the embryo to the uterine wall, this membrane can be thinned with various procedures or a small hole can be formed in some of it.

In recent years, laser system has been used for these processes, which were carried out using some chemicals and enzymes in the past. The laser is used in people who have not been able to achieve pregnancy before in vitro fertilization, and women aged 35 and over. In addition, it is applied to embryos to be biopsied for genetic diagnosis, embryos obtained after freezing-thawing, cases without pregnancy despite having obtained good quality embryos in previous trials, and in women with borderline or high FSH hormone.

Endometrial Co – Culture

Artificial intrauterine application creates a new hope for couples who cannot conceive despite repeated IVF treatments and whose embryos show slow or poor development. On the 21st day of menstruation, a small tissue sample taken from the uterus is produced under laboratory conditions and an artificial intrauterine tissue is created and embryos are grown in this tissue. Since the woman’s own intrauterine (endometrium) cells are used during this application, jaundice, AIDS and other risky conditions are also excluded. Endometrial cells do not harm embryo development and increase the chance of growth by ensuring the continuity of development.

Blastocyst Culture

Blastocyst is the name given to the embryo that has reached the fifth day after fertilization. The generally accepted practice in IVF treatment is the placement of embryos into the mother’s womb on the third day after fertilization. The transfer of embryos during the blastocyst period has some important gains. For example, embryos that have reached this period are more likely to attach to the uterus. Because the ability of these embryos to survive until the fifth day is higher than others.

Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis

Many hereditary diseases can be diagnosed at the embryo level. This technique, in which only healthy embryos are selected and transferred to the mother, is defined as Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD). In this method, when the embryos showing normal development after fertilization reach the 7–8 cell stage, 1 or 2 blastomer cells are taken from each embryo by biopsy and the genetic region carrying the disease is replicated with the single cell PCR method.

Embryo Cryopreservation

Embryo cryopreservation (freezing) is performed for mandatory reasons depending on the female. For example, all embryos are frozen in case of any problems related to the woman, such as overexcitation of the ovaries during hormone therapy during the transfer of the embryos. After the regression of this life-threatening condition in female, the transfer process can be carried out by resolving at a safer time. However, if the lining of the uterus (endometrium) is not of a suitable thickness for pregnancy, embryos can be frozen and stored and the transfer process can be performed in another period when the uterus is better prepared.

Removal of Tubes

The presence of hydrosalpinx, which is defined as the complete obstruction of the end of the tubes on the ovarian side, also prevents pregnancy. This situation, which can be identified by ultrasonography and prevents the adherence of embryos, is one of the most important and common reasons that reduce the chance of in vitro fertilization in women. The liquid accumulated in the tubes flows into the uterus and prevents embryos from adhering or may lead to early miscarriages when pregnancy occurs. It is possible to reveal the dimensions of the hydrosalpinx more clearly and correct the problem by performing an uterine radiogram or laparoscopy. In this case, removing the tubes by laparoscopy or ligating them at the point where they join the uterus significantly increases the chance of success.

Microdissection TESE

Micro-TESE; It is a surgical method used in the treatment of severe male infertility. The Micro-TESE method, which is applied to obtain sperm in the case of azoosperm without obstruction in the reproductive canals, is performed under the microscope. While sperm can be obtained from approximately 20 percent of those who do not have any obstruction in the reproductive canals, with the conventional testicular biopsy (TESE) procedure, sperm can be obtained from 45 percent with the Micro-TESE procedure.

Micro-TESE, which provides new means for couples who want to have children, is performed under local or general anesthesia, which is possible for outpatient treatment, and is completed within 1-4 hours depending on how challenging the case is. If the procedure is performed as local anesthesia, the patient can stand up within 1-2 hours after a very short time, even if it is performed under general anesthesia, and returns to normal daily life within a few days.

Early Diagnosis and Success Secrets in Infertility Treatment

What is Azoospermia, Testing and Treatment Process

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