
Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation


If you have a condition associated with chronic pain, such as fibromyalgia or low back pain, it may seem strange that doing something active—like physical therapy—can actually help alleviate your pain. But certain physical therapy and rehabilitation techniques can actually help you achieve a healthier and more active lifestyle.

With physical therapy, a physical therapist can help you improve your range of motion and your quality of life by creating a personalized, comprehensive treatment plan to reduce your pain and other symptoms.


  • Posture and gait disorders
  • Neck and back pain, hernia, sciatica pain
  • Joint pain, arthritis
  • Malformations of the spine
  • Muscle weakness, loss of appetite
  • Balance disorders
  • Nerve constriction
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Osteoporosis
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Stroke
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Parkinson’s disease

Treatment Duration

Length or duration of care is dependent on many variables including patient age, diagnosis, fitness level, severity of injury, and more. On average, patients are seen in therapy for 3-6 weeks.

Recovery Time

In general, you should attend physical therapy until you reach your PT goals or until your therapist—and you—decide that your condition is severe enough that your goals need to be re-evaluated. Typically, it takes about 6 to 8 weeks for soft tissue to heal, so your course of PT may last about that long. Of course, if you have a serious condition or a progressively worsening condition, your course of rehab may take longer.

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