
Orthopaedics & Traumatology


Orthopedic surgery is a treatment procedure performed on the musculoskeletal system in case of injuries or various conditions. The musculoskeletal system includes the bones, the joints, and the following adjacent soft tissues: muscles (which protect and allow movement of bones and joints), ligaments (which connect the bones) and tendons (which connect the muscles to bones).
The majority of orthopedic surgeries are performed on the ankle, knee, hip, wrist, elbow, shoulder and spine.
These interventions can be performed either traditionally, by open surgery, or arthroscopically, using an arthroscope.


  • Hip Surgery
  • Spinal Surgery
  • Shoulder Surgery
  • Hand And Wrist Surgery
  • Foot And Ankle Surgery
  • Complex Foot Surgery
  • Ankle Surgery
  • Cartilage Surgery
  • Traumatology
  • Knee Surgery

Potential Risks & Side Effects

  • Anesthesia-related
  • Infection
  • Blood clots


Recovery Time

Many factors determine how long it will take for you to fully recover and see the benefits of orthopedic surgery. For some patients, recovery takes a few weeks. For others, it can take several months. Depending on your overall health, the condition for which you were treated and the type of surgery performed, you may be able to go home the same day or the day after surgery even if you had total joint replacement surgery.

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